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Research Funding by the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation
The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation has been instrumental in providing seed money for mesothelioma research when almost no other research funds for the cancer were available. The Meso Foundation’s funding objectives are twofold: to directly fund basic mesothelioma research and support mesothelioma clinical trials in worthy, peer-reviewed, projects as well as to stimulate additional federal research funding opportunities.
To date the Meso Foundation has funded over $11.8 million in research projects across the globe. It takes a number of years to move from the bench to the bedside but as the Meso Foundation’s research grant program matures it is helping to open up exciting new clinical trials available to patients now.

Federal Mesothelioma Research Funding through the Department of Defense
A top priority for the Meso Foundation has been to strengthen the federal government’s response to the mesothelioma tragedy through a commitment of new federal mesothelioma research dollars. Our advocacy efforts finally paid off when in 2008, for the first time, mesothelioma research was included as a priority within the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP). Since 2008, there have been several significant grants from the CDMRP awarded to mesothelioma researchers. The vast majority continue to be former Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation’s grantees.

NIH: Upcoming funding opportunity for high-risk/high-innovation projects in rare and pediatric cancers
The National Cancer Institute is soliciting proposals from small business concerns to perform key activities to demonstrate technical feasibility and proof-of-concept for the development of highly innovative and potentially transformative technologies in the following areas:
- Development of therapeutic technologies for treatment or prevention of Pediatric Cancers and/or Rare Cancers.
- Development of devices or diagnostic technologies for treatment, detection, and diagnosis of Pediatric Cancers and/or Rare Cancers.