1717 K Street NW, Suite 900

Washington, DC 20006-5349

(877) 363-6376


Mesothelioma Medical Jargon

Mesothelioma is rare cancer that can be extremely confusing for newly diagnosed patients and their families. This session focuses on the commonly used terms and medical jargon that patients may be hearing from their medical providers.This session is presented by our Patient Services Director, Julie White, RN, BSN, OCN.  This…

Survivorship Panel

Many mesothelioma patients beat their odds and go on to live rich, fulfilling lives. This panel has three long term patients who discuss the issues that come with survivorship such as long term side effects, survivor guilt, giving back, etc. This panel is moderated by patient, Rich Mosca. Rich is joined…

Young Patient Panel

Mesothelioma is often thought of as a cancer that only affects older men, but that statistic is changing. Many patients are under the age of 50 and more women are getting diagnosed. This change in the demographic of a mesothelioma patient brings up many issues. Younger patients are in the…

Mesothelioma and Mental Health

Mental health is a big issue for mesothelioma patients, caregivers, and family members. This session covers how patients as well as their loved ones can prioritize their mental health and deal with the emotional toll of a mesothelioma diagnosis and treatment. This session is presented by:Stephanie Alonso, LCSW, University of Chicago…