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Washington, DC 20006-5349

(877) 363-6376



Asbestos Awareness


Over the last 7 days, we have shared important facts about asbestos with our community. While mesothelioma patients and their families are painfully aware of the dangers of this ubiquitous material, please make sure to share this information with your communities so they, too, become aware. Many Americans mistakenly think that asbestos is a problem of the past. However, in the United States there is still no ban on this substance. In addition, millions of tons of asbestos used during the last century are still present in our environment.

Protecting yourself and your family

  1. Before embarking on do-it-yourself home renovations on a home built prior to 1980, make sure the materials used in building your home do not contain asbestos.
  2. Do not disturb materials containing asbestos. Its fibers are microscopic and invisible to the naked eye. When disturbed, they become airborne and are easily inhaled or ingested.
  3. There is no safe level of exposure. 


For decades, asbestos was touted as a miracle fiber: fire-resistant and an excellent insulation material. As such, many construction and household products contained took advantage of these properties. The film The Wizard of Oz famously featured a scene in which snow was made from asbestos. 

The most common products that are known to have contained asbestos are insulation, plaster, tiles, shingles, brakes, ironing boards, hairdryers, baby powder, fertilizers, and cigarette filters.

Asbestos and mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a cancer associated with exposure to asbestos. After inhaling asbestos fibers, it can take anywhere between 20 – 50 years for the disease to develop. If you or your family have been exposed to asbestos and/or experience symptoms such as fluid buildup in the chest or abdomen, difficulty breathing, intestinal issues, or any other symptoms consistent with mesothelioma, please contact your physician. It is very important to note that mesothelioma is quite rare. Most people who have been exposed to asbestos may never develop mesothelioma. Asbestos can also cause other cancers and conditions, including lung cancer, ovarian cancer, laryngeal cancer, asbestosis, and pleural plaques.


In Other News

Clinical Trials

Mesothelioma is one of the rarest cancers so there are always clinical trials going on to advance research efforts. This session presents on four different

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