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MesoTV | Two patients talk about their mesothelioma diagnosis and subsequent treatment

Two patients talk about their mesothelioma diagnosis and subsequent treatment

Two young mesothelioma patients talk about the moment that led up to their diagnosis, how they learned about the Meso Foundation, and how getting a second opinion impacted their treatment.

Andrew from Michigan, and Lara from Minnesota, are sharing their experiences with our Patient Services Director Shannon Sinclair, RN, BSN, OCN.

This is what Lara, a mesothelioma patient, said about her interaction with the Meso Foundation’s Patient Services Director Shannon Sinclair:

“Right away I felt heard, and I felt like I did not have to justify why I was wanting to see this doctor… I just felt so supported, and you [Shannon Sinclair] followed up and checked in with me again. I really felt a sigh of relief once you kind of got back to me about Dr. Nash’s office. You knew you could just reach him easily. I’m like, ‘she is well connected.’”—Lara #mesothelioma patient

Our Sponsors

MesoTV is a program by the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation. This program is made possible by our generous sponsors: Belluck & Fox; Maune Raichle Hartley French & Mudd, LLC (MRHFM); Bristol Myers Squibb; AstraZeneca, & TCR2.

Search our previous episodes for topics/speakers of interest to you at www.curemeso.org/mesotv.


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