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Mesothelioma fundraisers rise up to pandemic challenges to support the Foundation

mesothelioma fundraisers

Despite 2020’s pandemic challenges, these Fundraise for Meso events raised much needed mesothelioma awareness and funds to support the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation. 

The Foundation is especially appreciative of these event organizers for their continued support and for pivoting and adapting to virtual or socially distanced/masked fundraisers to protect the health and safety of their communities and to comply with CDC, state, and local guidelines. The switch to our new normal was not easy. We are inspired and beyond grateful for their perseverance!  

Learn more about these fundraisers and the organizers who make them a success, even during a pandemic: 

Jparady’s Mission – Jakob Paradis

January 7 

Jakob hosted a Twitch Charity live stream to raise awareness of mesothelioma and the Foundation in memory of his father, Kevin. Folks from all around the world tuned into the live stream of Jakob playing a game, learned more about the Foundation, and donated.  

Lung Leavin’ Day 2020 (seventh annual) – Heather Von St James

St. Paul, Minn. 
February 1 

In its seventh year as a fundraiser, Lung Leavin’ Day honors mesothelioma warrior and advocate Heather Von St James’ lung removal in February 2006. Guests gather in Heather’s backyard, write their fears on glass plates, and them smash the plates into a firepit. Funds raised support the Von St James Travel Grant Fund, which helps patients cover travel costs related to treatment or consults with mesothelioma specialists. 

Continental AutoSports

Hillsdale, IL 
February 18 

This private fundraiser was hosted by Continental AutoSports, a Ferrari dealer, in memory of their client, friend, and Ferrari collector Randy Gori of Gori Law Firm. Randy was also a dedicated supporter of the Meso Foundation. 

Washington Memorial 5K Run/Walk (ninth annual) – Leif Ellsworth and Diana Stewart

June 29 – July 4 

The virtual Washington Memorial 5K Run/Walk allowed registrants a week to run or walk a 5K (3.1 miles) anywhere and anytime and then upload their finishing time for prizes and awards. Leif Ellsworth of the Federal Way Community Center in Washington organized this year’s virtual event. Pat Dyhrman, Diana Stewart, and Pat Hatley started the 5K run/walk in 2012 before the community center took over in 2018.

Music for Meso (second annual) – Patrick Sheppard

August 22 

Music for Meso event was back for year two with a virtual twist that featured musicians, guest speakers, and more via Zoom. Last year’s inaugural, successful fundraiser grew out of a love for music shared by organizer Patrick Sheppard and his pleural mesothelioma warrior father, Jim.  

Kayaking 4 Meso (tenth annual) – Mark Wells

September 12 

Organized by Mark Wells, Kayaking 4 Meso normally involves participants kayaking through the “Flight of Locks” on the Erie Canal and up the Hudson River. It ends at the Halfmoon Lighthouse Park in Waterford, NY. Registrants virtually participated in this year’s event by paddling at their leisure and then uploading their miles. Collectively, participants paddle over 1,200 miles! 

Memory Walk – ROD’s Benefit for Meso (eleventh annual) – Missy Dorsey Bowles

Eleanor, WV 
September 19 

Now in its eleventh year, ROD’s Benefit for Meso was a shorter, leisurely memory walk in four time-designated groups to comply with social distancing guidelines. Missy organizes this annual event to raise mesothelioma awareness in memory of her father, Richard O. Dorsey (ROD). 

Bruce A. Waite 5K Run/Walk (ninth annual) – Jill Waite

Ontario, OH 
September 20 

Since 2012, Jill Waite has organized the Bruce A. Waite 5K Run/Walk to honor the life of her father, Bruce. He was a former high school teacher and avid runner who passed away from mesothelioma in 2003. While this year’s fundraiser was in-person and masked, a virtual option was also available.

Mesothelioma Race for Justice 5K (third annual) – Mirela Kopier of Vogelzang Law

September 26 

To virtually participate in the third annual Mesothelioma Race for Justice 5K, registrants had until September 26 — Mesothelioma Awareness Day (MAD) — to run or walk a 5K on their own time and upload their finishing time. On MAD, organizer Mirela Kopier of Vogelzang Law hosted a Facebook live celebration to honor participants, sponsors, and vendors. 

Steve Torrey Memorial Golf Outing (second annual) – Jennifer Guernsey

Vassar, MI — Willow Springs Golf Course 
September 26 

The second annual Steve Torrey Memorial Golf Outing was a fun, casual four-person golf scramble organized by Jennifer Guernsey. The event honors the memory of her uncle, Steve Torrey. He was an avid golfer who passed away from mesothelioma in September 2018.  

John Slagle Memorial Golf Tournament (nineth annual) – Vicki Slagle and sons, Mike, Ben and Dan Slagle

River Falls, WI — Kilkarney Hills Golf Course 
September 26 

The John Slagle Memorial Golf Tournament started in 2012 following John’s passing from mesothelioma. Since 2016, his wife, Vicki, and their sons, Mike, Ben, and Dan have supported the Foundation with this annual event. They are determined to raise research funds for a cure and spare other families the same pain of losing someone to mesothelioma. 

Steven Staley Hope Run (inaugural fundraiser) – Alyssa Staley

New Carlisle, Ind. 
September 26 

The inaugural Steven Staley Hope Run was organized by Alyssa Staley, Steven’s wife, and their six children. The run raises mesothelioma awareness and honors the life of Steven. He was a husband, father, and decorated member of the National Guard who passed away from mesothelioma on March 23, 2020. 

Birthday and Mesothelioma Awareness Day fundraiser – Roberta Gartner

Rockaway Park, NY 
September 26 

Robert Gartner purchased and sold the Foundation’s blue CureMeso t-shirts in honor of her birthday and Mesothelioma Awareness Day on September 26, and in memory of her husband, Jimmy. He passed away from mesothelioma on June 22, 2020. 

Mesothelioma Awareness Day fundraiser – Leslie Anne Cooper Jackson

Clinton, SC — Tapestry, Inc. 
September 26 

On Mesothelioma Awareness Day, Tapestry, Inc., a women’s clothing boutique in Clinton, South Carolina, encouraged their patrons to wear blue and donated 10% of its proceeds to the Foundation in honor of its owner Leslie Anne Cooper Jackson, a mesothelioma warrior. 

David E. Watterson Memorial Walk to End Meso (second annual) – Lee Ann Watterson

October 4 

The second annual David E. Watterson Memorial Walk to End Meso was a virtual event that participants could walk any time through October 4 and then post a photo or video to the event’s Facebook page. The inaugural 2019 event was a two-mile memorial walk on the Putnam River Trail organized by Dave’s wife, Lee Ann, and their loved ones.

Kick Out Mesothelioma 5-Miler & 2.5 Mile Walk (eighth annual) – Tony Myatt

Portland, ME 
November 8

Tony Myatt has been organizing the Kick Out Mesothelioma 5-Miler & 2.5 Mile Walk since 2013 to raise funds for mesothelioma research in memory of his friend, John W. Griffin. He was a pipefitter, Navy veteran, and City Councilor who passed away in 2003 after a 1-month diagnosis of mesothelioma. 

The Resilient – Ivana Mihajlovic

Kensington, MD — North Bethesda Fit Body Boot Camp 
November 21 

To honor her 11-year “cancerversary,” Ivana Mihajlovic, a 41-year-old peritoneal mesothelioma warrior, hosted an outdoor, distanced workout session as well as an online auction to raise funds for the Foundation. In the 11 weeks leading up to her event, Ivana posted simple exercises on her event’s Facebook page and encouraged supporters to do (at least) 11 repetitions or 11 of an appropriate unit (1.1 miles, 11 laps, 11 minutes, etc.) to prepare for the workout session. 

If you are interested in hosting a fundraiser to support the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation, visit www.curemeso.org/fundraiseformeso and then contact Trey Meehan at [email protected].  

Another good resource is this MesoTV “Fundraising for the Foundation” panel featuring five of the Foundation’s experienced fundraisers moderated by Katie Jamieson, co-chair of the Community Advisory Board


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