1717 K Street NW, Suite 900

Washington, DC 20006-5349

(877) 363-6376



Welcome to the team, Michael and Jordan!

This week, the Meso Foundation is happy to welcome two new members of our Washington, D.C. office staff: Michael Braeuninger and Jordan Fingerhut. Michael joins us as the Director of Development and Jordan as the Community Support Associate.

Michael Braeuninger

As Director of Development, Michael will build relationships with stakeholders in the mesothelioma community and support our executive and board leadership to advance the mission and fundraising goals of the Foundation. Additionally, he will manage all key functions of the development office and the fundraising initiatives carried out by our amazing supporters on behalf of the Foundation.

Connect with Michael on Facebook, via email at [email protected] or by phone at 703-879-3825.

Jordan Fingerhut

In her role, Jordan will support our mesothelioma community by educating new and current patients about the Foundation’s various programs and initiatives, managing our support groups, overseeing the Patient Travel Grant Program and communicating within our social media communities.

A native to Washington, D.C., Jordan recently graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in anthropology and bioethics.

Connect with Jordan on Facebook, via email at [email protected] or by phone at 703-879-3824.


In Other News

Peritoneal Surgery/HIPEC

Peritoneal mesothelioma patients have a few different treatment options available. This session discusses two options: surgery as well as hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC).  This session

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