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Meso Foundation Reaches $10 Million in Research Grants Funded


With the conclusion of its latest funding cycle, the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation has reached the milestone of $10 million in grant funding awarded to the most promising mesothelioma research projects across the globe. The Foundation is the only non-governmental institution to fund mesothelioma research through a transparent, merit-based process modeled after the National Institutes of Health.

The research funded so far spans across most areas of mesothelioma science covering topics such as validation of biomarkers, development of tools for objective measurement of mesothelioma tumors, immunotherapy, gene therapy, radiation therapy, genetics, mesothelioma prevention, and much more.

In 2017, the Foundation funded two projects, one looking into the efficacy of a cancer blocking agent specifically for mesothelioma, and the other consists of pre-clinical testing of a new target for mesothelioma treatment.

The two projects titled ‘Blocking post-translational modifications of p27 for mesothelioma therapy’ and ‘gC1qR/HABP1/p32: A novel therapeutic target for mesothelioma (The Mary Hesdorffer Research Fund)’ will be investigated by researchers at the New York University School of Medicine and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, respectively. You can learn more about these researchers and browse all research funded by the Meso Foundation here.

“Much work is still ahead of us, but it’s important to take a moment to celebrate this achievement. I am very proud of the work of this organization and cannot thank enough our donors and community members without whom none of this would be possible,” said Melinda Kotzian, the chief executive officer of the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation.

The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation receives no government funding and its research is funded entirely by private donations.

Click here to support the Foundation’s work by donating.


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