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A Tribute to Tara DeAugustinis

We are deeply saddened by Tara DeAugustinis’ passing. Tara and her husband Rich have become symbols of strength in the mesothelioma community, as they shared their story with the world. Through regular updates beginning with Tara’s diagnosis in early 2016, they informed us of their joys and successes, setbacks and heartbreaks. They taught us that even in the darkest moments life has some light in store. They inspired us with their courage, kindness, honesty and positivity.

Below, we share with you Rich’s own words.

Home Sweet Home with Jesus
Journal entry by Rich DeAugustinis — 5/23/17

I just got home this evening from hospice and walked into my empty house with Aubrey. We walked around and surveyed the debris of Tara’s 15 month battle with mesothelioma in every room of our house. But more than that, we saw memories and reminders of Tara everywhere. A funny thing happened…as we walked into each room we were initially overcome with grief, but it was quickly followed by a palpable sense of peace…peace that transcends understanding.

You see, Tara has gone home to Jesus. She passed peacefully from this world into His waiting arms earlier this evening. She was not in any pain or distress as she did. She left behind her earthly body and took on her glorified one. She went home to be with Jesus, to a place with no pain, no sin and no cancer. No tears, no anguish and no suffering. Because love won. Love conquered death. Because Jesus died for us.

I dreaded coming back home tonight to a house where I know she will never return. But you see, love won. And as I walked through the house, it was impossible for me to dwell on the grief, because I was overcome with relief and contentment that Tara is now with her Lord and Savior in heaven. And I was also overcome with His peace — knowing that my beloved is alright with Him, and that we will be OK as well. We are heartbroken that she is no longer with us, but that’s only temporary — and truly in the blink of an eye we be reunited again. Why? Because love won.

Thank you for all of your prayers, love and support on this journey. We will be informally receiving family and friends in our home in the coming days as we adjust to life without our precious Tara. We will share more on the arrangements for her memorial service and celebration of life in due course.

Love in Christ to each and every one of you.

— Rich

To read the full story of Tara’s journey with mesothelioma, click here.


In Other News

Peritoneal Surgery/HIPEC

Peritoneal mesothelioma patients have a few different treatment options available. This session discusses two options: surgery as well as hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC).  This session

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