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Facing Mesothelioma One Journal Entry at a Time: Part Three

Tara DeAugustinis has been battling pleural mesothelioma since diagnosed in early 2016 at the age of 45. She and her husband, Rich, have maintained a personal website documenting her journey with the disease via journal entries, and they have decided to share their story with the mesothelioma community. To read part two of this story, click here.

Update on Tara & The Way Forward
Journal entry by Rich DeAugustinis — 7/7/2016

Family and Friends, Tara had her 5th chemo treatment yesterday. It hit her pretty hard, and we expect the next few days to be rough. That said, so far the side effects have been limited to extreme tiredness/exhaustion, and nausea. I am praying for her to bounce back quickly from this round, and to have some opportunity for normalcy and comfort before the final chemo.

Last Wednesday Tara had a PET scan to determine the progress of the chemotherapy in fighting the pleural mesothelioma. The official word from the surgeon is that “the disease has not progressed”, meaning that the chemo has apparently prevented any further growth of the existing tumors or metastasis to other organs. This is good news. We were hoping for some reduction in the size of existing tumors, but that hasn’t happened. Regardless, the surgeon and oncologist are very satisfied with Tara’s progress and how the chemo is going. The prognosis remains positive and hopeful, even as the journey is difficult. Tara’s next step will be to complete chemotherapy with her 6th and final infusion on July 27, followed by a few weeks of recovery before proceeding with the EPP surgery. That surgery, which will be the most challenging part of the process, is tentatively scheduled for Monday, August 22. I will talk more about the surgery, its implications and our plan for it in a future update. Please continue to pray for Tara’s healing, relief from the side effects of chemo, and the physical, spiritual, and emotional endurance to get through this challenging journey.

In the midst of trial, we are finding joy, too. This past weekend we got away to one of our favorite places in the mountains – Snowbird Mountain Lodge in NC. It was a great time of peace and rest, and Tara really enjoyed it. It was amazing to just relax and enjoy the majesty of God’s creation. The weather was gorgeous, the food was excellent and the fellowship was wonderful. Aubrey is away at Camp Greystone for the month of July. She is having a great time with her camp friends, old and new. We receive letters from her almost daily, with updates on her life and times up in the mountains. This is a high point for Tara every day, and we thoroughly enjoy writing her back daily as well.

Before I sign off, let me take a moment to share my thanks to all of you. We are SO, SO grateful for your love, support and prayers. We know that God is present with our entire family and will never leave us. We feel the hands and feet of Jesus through the body of Christ every day — and we are thankful to you for that. In particular, I want to mention Tara’s parents Aubrey and Clarene, and her sister Ashley and her family. They have helped out in so many ways…Aubrey taking Tara to her chemo and other doctor appts, Clarene taking Tara to get her hair and nails done. I am thankful to my parents and good friends (you know who you are) who have listened and provided wise, Godly counsel to me on this journey. It is far from over, but you all keep me sane and centered. And thanks to those who have provided meals — we don’t need them often, but when we do they have been GREAT (my mom’s lasagna is still the BEST OF ALL TIME and provides comfort for our entire household).

Most of all we are thankful to the Lord. Even though these present circumstances are challenging, and there are days it’s hard to see the tunnel let alone the light at the end of it, we know that he is present. Isaiah 41:10 states “fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Please pray that we continue to take this truth to heart, and especially that Tara would feel God’s presence and his upholding her through this.

In Him,

Ring the Bell!
Journal entry by Tara DeAugustinis — 7/27/2016

Dear Family and Friends,

This is Tara and I am writing you today because it is my last Chemo Treatment!  I dread the post chemo “icky” feeling, but I am so excited. After today, I will be done with chemo. At the infusion center (Emory Winship Cancer Institute), I will get to ring a bell (big and loud) to signify that I am finished with my final round of chemo. Everyone cheers and claps. It is a really cool experience and today is my day!  Pray for the chemo drugs to have no mercy on the cancer cells, but have mercy on the rest of my body. Pray for Rich and Aubrey, who will have to live with me and take care of me during the bad parts of the next two weeks. Pray for my sister, Ashley, who will take care of me on Thursday and Friday when I am usually the worst.

I want to give a shout to out to God. At the beginning of my chemo journey, I prayed for two things – that I would not lose my hair and that I would not throw up. He has been gracious and both prayers have been answered through 5 treatments. Seems like simple things, but to me they were very important. He has also used the chemo drugs to ensure that the cancer has not spread. He has surrounded me with so many wonderful people (you know who you are) that have supported me through this journey. I am so grateful for all the flowers, emails, texts, and cards. I may not answer you, but they lift my spirits and give me strength. I continue to trust in God’s unfailing love, rejoice in my salvation through Christ, and praise Him because of all the good things that He has already done for me!

It’s official. My EPP surgery has been set for August 24th. 4 weeks from today. There are a lot of test that will be done between now and then, but I am glad that it is on the calendar. I will give you more information on this later. Everyone have a super day!


PET Scan Today – Please Pray
Journal entry by Rich DeAugustinis — 8/8/2016

Quick update on Tara. She has recovered from most of the muck of the last chemo treatment a week and a half ago. She continues to improve each day – more energy, more grit, more determination…more Tara. 🙂 She even worked out yesterday. Today is a very important PET Scan at 9:30am. If you can, please take a few moments to say a little prayer to our Lord at that time…pray for regression of the cancer in her lung and pleura, or at a minimum no further progression of the disease beyond where it is today. We know that God is sovereign over all, and know that the results are providence, and accept them now as such. But we pray intently and expectantly for a reduction of the cancer! We are also praying for a good week this week as Aubrey starts school. The surgery is 2 weeks from this Wednesday (on August 24), and I will share more on that later this week. Until then, may God bless you and yours!


Please Pray for Tara’s Mediastinoscopy Today
Journal entry by Rich DeAugustinis — 8/17/2016

Family and Friends, just a brief note this morning to ask you to pray for NEGATIVE NODES today. Tara has an outpatient procedure early this afternoon called a mediastinoscopy. The purpose is to biopsy the lymph nodes adjacent to where the mesothelioma is to determine if the meso is in the lymph nodes (so they can definitively know if they need to come out during the big EPP surgery next week). The procedure is at 1pm and she should be home by late this afternoon. Please pray for Dr. Sancheti (surgeon) and his team, and pray for peace that transcends understanding for Tara. Most of all, pray that God’s will is for NEGATIVE NODES. Thank you for your faithful love, support and prayers for Tara and our family.

I will do another post this evening with an update on Tara, and a preview of the next week’s EPP surgery. May God bless all of you today!


Counting Down to Surgery This Wednesday
Journal entry by Rich DeAugustinis — 8/20/2016

Thanks to everyone for your faithful support, love and prayers. Let me get straight to the point. The results from the mediastinoscopy last week indicated that the meso has spread into the lymph nodes on the right side (same side as where the meso already is). While this is not the result we were praying for, God is sovereign and we accept it. After consultation with Tara’s surgeon, Tara will proceed with the surgery this week.

THE SURGERY: So this Wednesday morning (August 24) at 8:30am, Tara will undergo EPP surgery. EPP stands extrapleural pneumonectomy. EPP surgery will involve the removal of her cancerous lung as well as parts of the chest lining, heart lining, nearby lymph nodes and diaphragm. EPP is generally performed on patients in the early stages of mesothelioma, when the cancer has not yet spread to the lymph nodes or surrounding organs. While I won’t get into detail on the risks of EPP, they are significant. Tara is a fighter and wants to confront this head on so we are going to move forward because it will allow for the maximum amount of cancerous tissue to be removed, and give her the best shot to beat the mesothelioma through additional therapies in the months ahead after she recovers. The surgery will last all day on Wednesday, and then she will be in ICU for 2-3 days after. She will likely be in the hospital a total of 7-10 days before she is released. I will be with her in the hospital the whole way, supported by close family.

PLEASE PRAY: Needless to say, we would very much value your prayers and thoughts for Tara on Wednesday in the next few weeks, specifically for the following:

Pray for the surgeons – Dr. Sancheti & Dr. Force
Pray for the nurses and other hospital personnel that will care for Tara
Pray for Tara to get through the surgery successfully with no complications
Pray that there are no post-surgical complications or issues during her hospitalization
Pray for a rapid recovery, strength and endurance for Tara
Pray for her remaining lung to miraculously respond and grow strong
Pray for strength for all of us, and His peace that transcends understanding

SPECIAL REQUEST: Please send cards/notes/emails/texts, etc. of inspiration to Tara, especially early this week in advance of the surgery or after the surgery. Feel free to post to my profile on Facebook as well — I will read them all to Tara. Your support and love expressed this way have moved and inspired her through this journey, and I know she will fight even harder as she senses God’s presence and the hands and feet of Jesus through each and every one of you.

AFTER THE HOSPITAL: I hope that we will get Tara home by Labor Day weekend. Those first few weeks at home will be tough, but I know she will get through this. We will have daily care for her from family and close friends in the first few weeks of September. In addition, we will need food – meals, meals, meals – in September and early October. I have set up a meal train for Tara. We appreciate anything anyone can do to help.

FINAL THOUGHT: Last Sunday I was sitting in sanctuary at Perimeter Church during worship, singing along to “Whom Shall I Fear” by Chris Tomlin. As I sang the words, part of the song really struck me: “I know who goes before me, I know who stands behind…The God of angel armies, is always by my side.”  As we get ready for what is admittedly the scariest and most difficult part of this journey for Tara, this song held special meaning. We face this week with confidence in our Lord and Savior, and peace in His providence. We know he goes before us, and stands behind us. Whatever the outcome, it’s His will and we are ready for it. He’s got this. We will keep our eyes on Him.

Thanks to all of you and may the Lord richly bless your week. Hug your loved ones and make sure they know you love them.


Continue reading Tara’s story here: Facing Mesothelioma One Journal Entry at a Time: Part Four


In Other News

Advocacy Update

Dear Members of the Meso Community,  We understand the deep concern many of you are feeling regarding the current changes and fluctuations in funding for

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