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Grateful to Dr. Lee Krug as His Term on Meso Foundation Board of Directors Ends

The Meso Foundation announced today that at the end of this month, Dr. Lee Krug’s term on the Board of Directors (BOD) of the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation will end. Dr. Krug joined the Foundation’s board in 2011, after several years serving on the organization’s Science Advisory Board (SAB). Dr. Krug led the organization as chair of the BOD in 2012 until 2015.

“Dr. Krug has been a steadfast supporter of the Foundation. From day one, he rolled up his sleeves and got to work,” said Melinda Kotzian, the chief executive officer of the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation.

“During his time leading the board of the Meso Foundation, we have gone through much change and growth, something he was instrumental in engendering,” added Ms. Kotzian.

According to Ms. Kotzian, Dr. Krug’s guidance was crucial in expanding the scope of the organization to not only include research funding but also to become a catalyst for collaboration among scientists. As a result of this shift, the Foundation has already hosted two scientific conferences (and a third one is in the works for March 2017) and several workshops where thought-leaders in the field of mesothelioma research were encouraged to share their work, find opportunities to collaborate, and chisel the pathway toward development of better treatments.

Dr. Krug also paved the way for further collaboration between the Foundation and the pharmaceutical industry, which in recent years has increased their investment into mesothelioma research. He has also overseen the expansion of services of the Foundation, including widening the organization’s patient travel grant program to include clinical trial visits.

“He will be greatly missed around these parts,” concluded Ms. Kotzian.


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