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2015 Mesothelioma Research Grant Recipient Interviews – Part 1


In the first of a special two-part series of Meet the Mesothelioma Experts, we interview our 2015 mesothelioma research grant recipients. In this session, we interview grant recipients Dr. Andrea McClatchey of the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Dr. Sean Carlin of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, and Dr. Jill Ohar of Wake Forest University in Wintson-Salem, NC.

Dr. McClatchey discusses her project Exploiting Nf2/Merlin as a therapeutic biomarker for mesothelioma, in which she seeks to expand on twenty years of research into the NF2 tumor suppressor gene, which is mutated or inactivated in over half of all mesotheliomas.

Dr. Carlin discusses his project Novel CXCR4-targeted theranostic compounds for mesothelioma, in which he will test new drugs that are designed to attach to a protein which is found at higher levels in mesothelioma than in normal lung tissue.

Dr. Ohar discusses her project Familial Mesothelioma: Beyond BAP1, in which she will utilize powerful DNA sequencing technologies to identify genes other than BAP1 that cause high susceptibility to MM in families.

Listen to the full interviews below:

In the upcoming part 2 of this series, we will interview grant recipients Dr. Carlo Follo of the University of California, San Francisco and Dr. El Bachir Affar from the Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont in Montréal, Canada.

All past Meet the Mesothelioma Experts sessions are available at curemeso.org/experts.


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