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Washington, DC 20006-5349

(877) 363-6376



We Need Your Help in the Fight Against Mesothelioma

Ziegler Family

Ziegler FamilyThe Meso Foundation has sent out a letter in the mail from Bill Ziegler. You can read it here. In his letter, Bill shares his inspiring story of fighting mesothelioma alongside his wife and three young children, and explains the important role that services provided by the Meso Foundation play in his fight against mesothelioma. Bill is a staunch believer that availability of resources and tools is an advantage in every aspect of life, and he treats mesothelioma no differently.

Bill’s story, and the stories of all other patients we have the privilege of knowing, are powerful reminders that we are on the right track, but that so much more needs to be done.

Over the years, this Foundation has taken very seriously its mission to eradicate mesothelioma and ease the suffering caused by this cancer. We have responsibly invested resources into mesothelioma research, education, patient support, and advocacy, and our work is paying off. We are witnessing advances, with a direct impact on patient survival, that a decade ago was unimaginable. In the last year, the number of patients who contacted the Foundation to obtain help has increased by 44%.

As we look ahead to the coming year, we hope you can help us fulfill this demand by making a year-end gift to the Meso Foundation. I invite you to read more about the full impact of the Meso Foundation’s work on our website.

Our online donation page makes it easy and convenient to give a secure tax-deductible donation by credit card, or if you’d prefer, you may also donate by check by mailing it to:

Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation
1317 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314


Thank you for your participation in our year-end fundraising efforts. Your support saves lives!


In Other News

Advocacy Update

Dear Members of the Meso Community,  We understand the deep concern many of you are feeling regarding the current changes and fluctuations in funding for

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