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(877) 363-6376



The Meso Foundation Now Accepts Bitcoin Donations


BitcoinThe Meso Foundation is now accepting donations in Bitcoin, in addition to all of the traditional ways to give. The Bitcoin donation page can be found at curemeso.org/bitcoin.

“As more and more businesses are accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment, we decided it was important for us to do the same,” said Melinda Kotzian, the chief executive office of the Meso Foundation.

Bitcoin is an online-only, internet currency, started in 2009. Bitcoin donations can be easily and immediately following a donation, converted into any other currency, including the US Dollar.

“We do not want anything to stand in our way of raising funds to fund mesothelioma research, education, support, and advocacy. Our goal is to save lives, and we’ll do whatever it takes to get there,” Ms. Kotzian added.

The Meso Foundation’s bitcoin donation page can be found at curemeso.org/bitcoin.


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