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GUEST BLOG: A Mother’s Day Letter from Sarah Lackner

Sarah Lackner and mother

Sarah Lackner and motherby Sarah Lackner

May 10th, 2014 will mark the three year anniversary since my mom passed away from mesothelioma. She was 57 years old. This year, her anniversary is the day before Mother’s Day, which, for those of you who knew her, is perfectly fitting.

I was 21 when my mom was diagnosed with meso and 23 when she passed away. Tragically, my mom’s diagnosis was not the first time I heard the word mesothelioma, and her passing was not the last time our family would suffer a loss from it. Sixteen months after my mom passed away, her sister, my Aunt Linda, lost her own battle with the disease.

Mesothelioma has been woven into my family’s story for over 30 years. As a child I didn’t comprehend the harshness of this cancer, I just knew it was something Uncle Jimmy, my mom’s brother, had passed away from when I was a baby. I knew asbestos was why I never met my grandparents. While meso will always be part of my family history, I am determined to make being part of a cure, my legacy. That is why I’ve joined the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation’s newly formed Rising Leaders Council. The council will help the Foundation obtain resources needed to continue its quest to eradicate this disease. Each council member will be asked to either individually donate or fundraise for a specific amount. Whether you’re fighting meso yourself or fighting to honor a loved one, WE, more than anyone, need to stay involved.

With that, I ask that you join with me in committing to support the Foundation by joining the Rising Leaders Council. When you become a Council member you will:

  • Receive an invitation to a quarterly call with other council members and staff to get an insider look to the Meso Foundation’s current projects and goals.
  • Become a Meso Foundation Representative at community events.
  • Receive an invitation to the VIP reception at the 2015 Symposium.
  • Be given special recognition at the 2015 Symposium.
  • Have the ability to honor your loved one or current patient.

You can learn more about the Rising Leaders Council and sign up at curemeso.org. Please take this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others.


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