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Symposium Videos, Photos Now Available!

2014 Symposium Photos

Videos and photos from the 2014 International Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma.”

In early March, the Meso Foundation held its 11th International Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma in Alexandria, Virginia. We welcomed attendees from all over the world, including patients, caregivers, doctors, researchers, and so many others. The event was a huge success.

Wednesday morning began as attendees gathered for breakfast before heading off to Capitol Hill for Advocacy Day. This is the time when the entire meso community welcomes the opportunity to educate our law-makers about mesothelioma and the need for mesothelioma research funding. This video gives a brief overview of the day.

Wednesday night concluded with a Welcome Reception for all attendees. The reception began with a keynote speech from Dr. Dean Fennel and then moved on to a night of passed hors d’oeurve, drinks, and socializing with the community. This was the first of many chances for attendees to mingle with old friends and make new ones. Take a look at some photos from the event!

Thursday morning began with a Celebration of Life ceremony, which culminated in a release of doves over the pond outside the hotel. The theme of the ceremony was hope, compassion, and community.

Celebration of Life ceremony at the mesothelioma symposium.
Doves were released during the Celebration of Life at the Symposium

The Foundation’s executive director, Mary Hesdorffer, NP, kicked off the day of sessions with a welcome speech in which she introduced the Meso Foundation’s staff, Board of Directors, and Science Advisory Board. We then heard from two keynote speakers: Dr. Ira Pastan, Head of the Molecular Biology Section of the National Cancer Institute, followed by Dr. Raffit Hassan.

The annual mesothelioma symposium brings together mesothelioma patients and caregivers.
Every year, the community loves to get together at the Symposium. They find time to socialize even with a tight agenda!

Thursday continued with informative scientific and community sessions, started by Dr. Faris Farassati who discussed cancer stem cells. Mary was then joined by Dr. Marc DePerrot, Dr. Dan Miller, and Dr. James Pingpank to discuss post-surgical recovery. Dr. Tobias Peikert and Dr. Dan Sterman covered the topic of pulmonary health. In nonmedical sessions, Olga Pavlick led a newly bereaved discussion group, while Jessica Barker was joined by Rich Mosca and Hanne Mintz to discuss the importance of getting a proclamation in your area to officially declare September 26th as Mesothelioma Awareness Day. Miriam Ratner, Rev. Eric Linthicum, and Dana Purcell held a panel discussing the healing arts. Other topics of the day included exercise and nutrition, novel therapeutics, radiation oncology, chemotherapy, and early detection.

Thursday night concluded with an Awards Dinner. The dinner was MCed by Dr. Joseph Friedberg and Dr. Dan Sterman of the University of Pennsylvania, who did a great job keeping the atmosphere light-hearted and fun. We hope they never quit their day jobs, but surely they could also make a career in comedy!

Congresswoman Pingree with her constituent Lisa Gonneville and Mary Hesdorffer, NP  at the 2014 International Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma.
Congresswoman Pingree (center) with her constituent Lisa Gonneville (right) and Mary Hesdorffer, NP (left)

We were honored to have Congresswoman Chellie Pingree in attendance to accept the Bruce Vento Hope Builder Award, and she gave a powerful speech about her dedication to our cause and the need for mesothelioma research funding.

Rev. Eric Linthicum was presented the Compassion Award for his caring nature and dedication to the Foundation’s community. Dr. Michele Carbone received the Pioneer Award for his advancements in mesothelioma research. The Klaus Brauch Volunteer of the Year Award was presented to Olga Pavlick and Sarah Pavlick for their incredible efforts in organizing fundraising events and volunteering with the Meso Foundation. Anne Alessandrini received the June Breit and Jocelyn Farrar Outstanding Nurse Award for her passionate work in the Thoracic ICU at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Jocelyn Farrar’s daughter presented the award to Anne. We also had a surprise award, the Philanthropy Award, which we presented to Don Bendix for his financial dedication to the Meso Foundation and mesothelioma research funding.

Friday morning, the community was up bright and early for another day of sessions. The day began with a translation of the Scientific Seminar from Dr. H. Richard Alexander. He was then joined by Dr. Lee Krug to discuss the current state of mesothelioma research. Friday was not all about science, however, as we also held sessions such as yoga, walking for health, and art therapy. Following a brief update on the state of the Meso Foundation, Melinda Kotzian moderated a panel about getting involved and how you can help the Foundation. We heard from Maja Belamaric, Dana Purcell, Bonnie Anderson, Erica Ruble, Marina Mintz, and Rich Mosca on the many, many ways to get involved – from simply telling your story to events and advocacy. Other sessions of the day included a legislative update with Jessica Barker, a session with the American Legion, a talk on the empowered patient from Mary Hesdorffer, a session on chemo brain, a session on how to host a fundraising event as well as a fundraising panel, and more.

The 2014 mesothelioma symposium included a performance by the Meso Fighters band.
The Meso Fighters Band took the stage at the Community Dinner

Friday night served as a celebration wrapping up another successful Symposium. The Community Dinner was more like a community party than anything else. After an excellent buffet, attendees were surprised with a choreographed dance from Melinda Kotzian and Mary Hesdorffer (don’t worry – we have a video!). Following suit, much of the community took to the dance floor as the Meso Fighters Band took the stage. The Meso Fighters Band, which is made up of patients, doctors, and bereaved, played multiple sets featuring a playlist that mixed rock and pop. We heard everything from Janis Joplin to Katy Perry, and it was all fantastic. We ended the Meso Foundation’s 11th International Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma with a celebration of our incredible community.

We have released videos of many sessions and speeches from the event. Watch the videos on our YouTube channel.

You can also check out some photos from the Symposium!


In Other News

Advocacy Update

Dear Members of the Meso Community,  We understand the deep concern many of you are feeling regarding the current changes and fluctuations in funding for

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