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UPDATE: Mesothelioma Included in Department of Defense Bill

Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs logo

Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs logoOn July 24, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a Defense Funding Bill that included $16 million in funding that is eligible to be awarded to mesothelioma research.

The House approved the fiscal year 2014 Defense Appropriations bill (H.R. 2397) on a vote of 315 to 109. The bill includs funding for the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs, including the Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program in which mesothelioma is a topic area.

Each year, the Meso Foundation advocates to continue and increase this vital funding. As a result, $8.8 million dollars has been given to mesothelioma research to date. This is a victory in today’s tough economic climate.

For more information, read our earlier blog regarding this topic.


In Other News

Advocacy Update

Dear Members of the Meso Community,  We understand the deep concern many of you are feeling regarding the current changes and fluctuations in funding for

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