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The Anatomy of Clinical Trials for Mesothelioma

Recently, we had the honor to interview Melissa Culligan, RN, BSN, MS, a thoracic surgery nurse with specialized experience designing clinical trials. To listen press PLAY in the above podcast box (it may take a minute for the podcast to load).

In a cancer like mesothelioma, for which there is only one FDA-approved treatment, clinical trials play an integral role in many patients’ treatment regimens. For this reason, we wanted to provide patients with a solid overview of clinical trials, their design, and implementation.

Melissa Culligan with Dr. Friedberg, Karen Mudrick, and Mary Hesdorffer at Meso Foundation's 2013 Symposium.
Melissa Culligan with Dr. Friedberg, Karen Mudrick, and Mary Hesdorffer at Meso Foundation’s 2013 Symposium.

Melissa Culligan, RN, BSN, MS has worked as a thoracic surgery nurse for over 25 years and has worked in the field of thoracic oncology research for the past 15 years. She currently works in the Division of Thoracic Surgery at Penn-Presbyterian Medical Center and is the Director of Clinical Services for the Penn Mesothelioma and Pleural Program. She has a special interest in the areas of mesothelioma and advanced stage lung cancer and has recently graduated from Drexel University’s School of Medicine’s Master’s Program in Clinical Research Organization and Management.

Are you interested in learning more about clinical trials for mesothelioma? Do you have questions about mesothelioma clinical trials? Talk to our mesothelioma specialists through our Ask the Expert feature now.


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