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Washington, DC 20006-5349

(877) 363-6376



Mesothelioma Patients Among the Many Affected by Hurricane Sandy

beach-walkThis last week, so many lives were disrupted and turned upside down. Many mesothelioma patients who are currently being treated on the East Coast and, specifically, in the New York City area, are among those affected.

They are in our thoughts, and to the extent that we can be of any help, we wish to encourage them to contact us.

We were all horrified by the news that the NYU’s hospital was being evacuated a few days ago. Dr. Harvey Pass, the esteemed mesothelioma surgeon, had to move his patients to other hospitals in the city. While doing so, he still had to ensure that everyone received and is receiving proper care – not an easy task when patients are scattered around in a city that has been difficult to navigate. But Dr. Pass’ dedication to his patients is clear. If anyone can overcome such a Herculean task, it is Dr. Pass!

For some patients, the situation is even more dire. Given that many centers and physicians who treat mesothelioma are located on the East Coast, the road closures and airline cancellations are affecting both newly diagnosed patients seeking specialized help, as well as those in the midst of treatment.

We have been receiving reports from patients who have already missed a treatment, and some who have now missed two. The results of that can be catastrophic in terms of treatment response in a disease that is already so difficult to treat.

As if the uncertainty of a mesothelioma diagnosis wasn’t enough, it is now being compounded by the uncertainty of the ability to receive treatment.


In Other News

Advocacy Update

Dear Members of the Meso Community,  We understand the deep concern many of you are feeling regarding the current changes and fluctuations in funding for

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