1717 K Street NW, Suite 900

Washington, DC 20006-5349

(877) 363-6376



REMINDER: Facebook Support Groups — Both Sincere and Secure

If you are new to the Meso Foundation or perhaps old friends with us but new to social media, you might not know that we actually host several Facebook groups. Just to explain, Facebook Groups are a lot like our Support Groups, only they take place on the popular social network.

Meso Foundation Fan Page
Status: Public
This is the official Facebook page of the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation. When it appears on this page, the news and message of the information is coming straight from us. People who “Like” the Meso Foundation page subscribe to its updates, and posts from is appear in your News Feeds. Subscribers to the Page are able to post their own messages and comments, but Subscribers’ posts are displayed in a shortened form in a “Recent Posts from Others” section. The highlighted stories and prominent posts appearing come from representatives of the Foundation. This Page is open to the public.

Cure Mesothelioma Group
Status: Public

Unlike the Meso Foundation’s Fan Page, posts, pictures, and other media featured here are all driven by the members of the group. The posts and made here will be featured up front and center on the group page, making it more of an online community than a Page, as described above. This group’s content is similar to our Fan Page as it features new and developments in the meso community, focusing on research. Community members can also post news and developments here they wish to share with the community on a whole.

While we welcome and encourage community, the Meso Foundation also takes your privacy very seriously. Keeping that in mind, we have created secret groups that offer an extra amount of security. In these groups, only approved members are able to see the group’s roster and what is posted. This extra level of security is your assurance and our promise to you that no one will be able to take advantage of your data or personal situation.

Mesothelioma Survivors and Caregivers
Status: Secret
The Mesothelioma Survivors and Caregivers group was created for patients and survivors of mesothelioma, or for those who care for patients of mesothelioma. This group is a safe, secure haven for people to come and share their stories and struggles in privacy, without pressure, hosted by our Nurse Practitioner, Mary Hesdorffer.

Mesothelioma Caregiver Conversations
Status: Secret
This group, also private, is for those in the meso community carring for a loved one, and wish to share and connect with others. All conversations here are welcome, no subject taboo, and kept confidential. Hosted by Nurse Practitioner Mary Hesdorffer, we ask that the conversations and comments are kept kind and gentle in order to keep stress at a minimum. Also welcome in this group are victory celebrations and those seeming comfort during difficult times.

Exploring Alternative and Complementary Therapies
Status: Secret
Hosted by Lisa Crandall, this forum caters to individuals wanting to share their experiences with alternative therapies. Mary Hesdorffer has described her role in this group as follows: “Unless medical input from me is requested, I will remain a silent observer. I respect your right to decide what is best for you and your loved one and hope that you put this room to good use.”

Please note that discussions in these groups tend to cover treatments more commonly found in the United States and Canada, although international participation and input is welcome. We offer these groups as secure, online havens for those who continue to believe in a cure. Admission to our public groups are open to all. Secret group memberships are extended by invitation and admin approval only, in order to protect the integrity and privacy of its members.  If you wish to join one of the secure groups, please contact Mary at [email protected] or call the Foundation at (877) 363-6376 or consult our website for details.

We hope to talk to you soon.


In Other News

Advocacy Update

Dear Members of the Meso Community,  We understand the deep concern many of you are feeling regarding the current changes and fluctuations in funding for

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