1717 K Street NW, Suite 900

Washington, DC 20006-5349

(877) 363-6376



Mesothelioma is Everybody’s Problem and we’re working toward the solution

Mesothelioma is Everybody’s problem and the solution requires a global effort. The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation holds a key role in promoting global efforts to find a cure.  The latest grant proposals went out to the reviewers last week, so the process has begun.  I hope that with your help we will be able to fund a good percentage of those grants identified by the reviews as worthy of funding.  This is one of the most satisfying aspects of my job, as I monitor this process from start to finish and share with you the vision that a cure is possible if we just continue to work hard and stimulate brilliant minds to focus on mesothlelioma.

~Mary Hesdorffer, NP

Click here to contact Mary Hesdorffer, Nurse Practitioner or call 877.363.6376

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