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Campaign Season

Capitol Hill

Some of you may have received the most recent Action Alert informing you of what you can do during the end of this Congressional Session while the House of Representatives is on recess to campaign for re-election.  The Meso Foundation is urging everyone to contact their Representative to talk to them about the issues, namely HR 6903 (Click here to view HR 6903).  The new advoacay action was to write to members of Congress who have not signed on as co-sponsors to the “Bruce Vento Ban Asbestos and Prevent Mesothelioma Act of 2008” as well as request a meeting with your Representative while they are at home campaigning.  For those of you who have not received an email requesting this action, your Representative may be a co-sponsor for HR 6903 or may not be running for re-election.  In the case where your Representative is a co-sponsor, you can stay in contact with by thanking him/her for the hard work and support for HR 6903 and inform their office that you look forward to keeping in touch with them  during the 111th Congressional Session.

Gene Green proposes to continue the Energy and Commerce Committee’s work on the bill next Congressional Session. (Click here to view his speech) Our plan is to hit the ground running after the inauguration of our new government our efforts will get HR 6903 passed and raise national awareness of this tragic disease through a federal proclamation of Meso Awareness Day.  Let’s make sure our voices are heard; request support for HR 6903, ask our lawmakers to ensure that mesothelioma research funding is added to this legislation and raise awareness in our community by asking our family and friends to join in our advocacy efforts.

Although the Meso Foundation can not endorse anyone during the election, we hope that this special election will promote you time to access to your government officials while they are campaigning at home in order to talk to them about where they stand on the issue of banning asbestos and providing research funds for mesothelioma treatments and a cure.  Many of you are spurred by all the work done to raise awareness for this year’s Meso Awareness Day (Click here to view a map of MAD proclamations) and can continue the momentum by writing, calling and talking about HR 6903 and the possibility of your Representative or Senators sponsoring or signing onto a National Proclamation for MAD 2009.

~Jeni Piccolo


In Other News

Clinical Trials

Mesothelioma is one of the rarest cancers so there are always clinical trials going on to advance research efforts. This session presents on four different

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