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Meso Awareness Day

Meso Supporters

This year’s Meso Awareness Day is creating much needed meso awareness thanks to you, the meso community.  The Meso Foundation was fortunate to be invited to our City Hall to receive the proclamation of September 26th as Meso Awareness Day from our Mayor and City Council.  After the Mayor read the proclamation, Chris was permitted to say a few more words about the Foundation and why we are here.  He thanked our local government for joining with the meso community to raise awareness at home and how that information translates to awareness throughout the nation.

Sharing our stories and experiences helps educate the many mis-informed people about the dangers of asbestos and the necessity of commiting research funds to create better treatments and a cure for meso. Many of you have been effectively creative in your thoughts on  how to raise meso awareness.  I’ve joined multiple groups on social networks who are spreading the word to others about the disease.  In addition to many of you connecting to others online,  I’ve heard of  some of you making posters, t-shirts and buttons to observe and share our experience with meso; all of which are great ideas.

Many of us have asked our government to recognize mesothelioma on Meso Awareness Day by issuing its official proclamation on September 26th. The following is a list of some of the proclamations sent to the Foundation:

Pennsylvania- Yearly proclamation of recognition for September 26th as Meso Awareness Day by Governor Ed Rendell.  This has been issued annually since 2003.

Kentucky- Resolution proclaming Meso Awareness Day on September 26th by Governor Yvonne Hall.

Michigan- Resolution proclaming Meso Awareness Day on September 26th by Governor Wendy Martin.

Illinois- Executive Department proclamation for September 26th, 2008 as Meso Awareness Day issued by Governor Blagovich.

Georgia- Proclamation of Meso Awareness Day on September 26th issued by Governor Sonny Purdue.

Vermont- Proclamation of Meso Awareness Day on September 26th issued by Governor James H. Douglas.

Rockland County, New York- Meso Awareness Day Proclamation for September 26th from the Honorable Harriet D. Cornell.

Roselle Park, NJ- Declaring September 26th as Meso Awareness Day.

Santa Barbara, CA- Issued proclamation of Meso Awareness Day on September 26th, 2008 by Mayor Marty Blum

Please contact me if you would like to add to this list as well as for any other questions on how we can use our stories to educate our lawmakers and obtain the much needed attention and resources from our government.

Today, as we listen to Warren Zevon and sport our Meso Awareness gear we unite in the fight and pledge to continue our efforts throughout the year.

Thank you all for your hard work and hope!



In Other News

Advocacy Update

Dear Members of the Meso Community,  We understand the deep concern many of you are feeling regarding the current changes and fluctuations in funding for

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